
2007-07-20 8:29 am
請幫忙把中文部份改正為英文,並且幫忙改正grammar. million

100'warehouse located in 港九新界.
每個warehouse劃分了不同的服務界線.各自負責屬於自己區域的工作. Therefore, easy control daily delivery.
As warehouse在不同located, hence 沒有集中一個warehouse去management and not easy contral.
morning shift & night shift 'picker既pickings 時間unfair

improvement: 集中一個倉去handle receiving, picking & 訂貨.這樣可save costs(inculde 租, 人手,時間 和工具分配)也更強了整體在warehouse上的管理.
picker must be changed the worktime.

回答 (4)

2007-07-20 8:39 am
✔ 最佳答案
There are around 100 warehouses located in all parts of Hong Kong. Every warehouse provides different kinds of services and also responsible to serve their area. It will be easier for each warehouse to manage the daily delivery schedule. However, as the warehouses are spread around Hong Kong, there won't be a centralize place for management and may create unfair / unbalance picking up for morning & night shift people to pick up in different locations.

Improvement : centralized all the order receiving, picking & handling arrangment in one place only. This can save costs like, rents, headcounts, time & tools allocation) and also enhance the overall management of all the warehouses.
2007-07-20 10:29 pm
There are around 100 warehouses locate in all parts of Hong Kong. Each warehouse separates in different serving lines. They are responsible to work in the area which belongs to them. Therefore, each serving line can control the delivery everyday easily. Nevertheless, each warehouse locates in different area, so that there does not concentrate a warehouse to manage and control easily. Moreover, the pickers of the morning shift and the night shift that their picking time is really unbalance.

Concentrate a warehouse to control, receive, pick and order goods. This way can economize the costs, including rent, manpower, time and implement arrangement. Also, it enhance the whole management of the warehouse. On the other hand, the worktime of pickers should be changed.

2007-07-20 17:06:15 補充:
2007-07-20 9:49 pm
There are around 100 warehouses locate in all parts of Hong Kong. Each warehouse separates in different serving lines. They are responsible to work in the area which belongs to them. Therefore, each serving line can control the delivery everyday easily. Nevertheless, each warehouse locates in different area, so that there does not concentrate a warehouse to manage and control easily. Moreover, the pickers of the morning shift and the night shift that their picking time is really unbalance.

Concentrate a warehouse to control, receive, pick and order goods. This way can economize the costs, including rent, manpower, time and implement arrangement. Also, it enhance the whole management of the warehouse. On the other hand, the worktime of pickers should be changed.

2007-07-20 13:56:30 補充:
最上面個位未翻譯唒,同埋文句唔通順、句子結構不正確,完全唔符合要求。(failed)^~^ 鄭重聲明:*我係冇用到translator嫁,係真材實料,自己翻譯*!

2007-07-22 20:27:06 補充:
WARNING!!!喂!下面個位做乜抄我呀!你知唔知已經違反左知識 的條例!!!!!!!!!

2007-08-03 12:17:16 補充:
各位唔覺得上面最佳回答有好多錯別字同埋grammatical mistakes嫁咩!
參考: My Knowledge + My Mind + My Experience + My Professional
2007-07-20 8:39 am
100'倉庫 位於港九新界.每個倉庫 劃分了不同的服務界線.各自負責屬於自己區域的工作. 因此,容易控制每日交付. 倉庫 在不同設計 ,因此 沒有集中一個倉庫 去管理,不容易控制. 倉
上午班和夜班' 'picker既pickings 時間公平

改善 : 集中一個倉去接收處理 , picking & 訂貨.這樣可節省成本. (inculde 租, 人手,時間 和工具分配)也更強了整體在倉庫 上的管理.
picker 必須改變工時

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