護膚的問題, 美白 保濕 收毛孔 改善皮膚

2007-07-20 8:19 am
我想我的皮膚是混合性偏乾的,我最煩惱的是鼻上的黑頭同兩邊面頰.面頰上我直頭見到一個個洞,裡面有黑頭和粉刺,毛孔超大.我而家想買clinique 3-step,但專櫃的姐姐話之後仲要搽lotion,叫我買埋特效水嫩補濕霜用.但有冇其他野可以搽.另外,我想美白,晚上3-step後用邊隻美白精華好呢?雪肌精,fancl,white lucent, ISPA, UV WHITE都有人話好,我真係唔知點選.搽完美白精華後仲要搽lotion嗎?如果要,咁咪搽好多野囉.
照咁樣早上保濕,晚上美白,得唔得呢?一話我要買一條美白line好似uv white同white lucent咁先好呢?但我又擔心用全條美白line不夠保濕,收不到毛孔同不控油.
至於深層清潔方面,我想試下clinique pore minimizer refining mask或雪肌精美白黑泥.唔知好唔好用呢?但最麻煩係唔知full完深層清潔mask之後要點做.係要full保濕mask,收毛孔mask,用收毛孔化妝水定係用收毛孔精華呢?請告訴我一些好用的品牌.

回答 (6)

2007-07-21 2:37 pm
✔ 最佳答案
I'm using Clinique 3-steps ga. My skin is 混合性偏乾 too.
Usually this is my daily skin care steps:
潔面 ---> Clarifying lotion(no.2) ---->美白精華---> Dramatically different lotion ---> 特效水嫩補濕霜

特效水嫩補濕霜 is actually very useful, it can give your skin moisture immediately. Sometimes if i wear make up, i must wear this first , because the make up will be more smooth after this. To our dry skin, 補濕 is very important.

If you want to whiten your skin, I don't think it's neccessary to use the whole line of whitening products. It's too expensive. I suggest you just to add a good 美白精華 into your basic skin care set (like 3 steps). You can try Clinique Derma White Intense Brigtening Complex. The whitening effect is not bad for me !! Also, a lot of ppl say Sofina Memory White is very good. I'm using it now(for around a week), but I haven't seen the result yet.
On taiwanese magazine, they always say Shiseido's 軀黑淨白露 works very well. But the bad thing is I can't find this product in Hong Kong. You can check out yahoo auction , i saw it there before.
You can check out these youtube video:
It tells you the newest whitening products = )

For 深層清潔 deep cleaning product, I am using DHC mineral mask. It's quite good to me. My fd is using 雪肌精美白黑泥, she told me it's very good !
Remember after using deep cleaning mask, it's good to use a moisture mask right afterward. Your skin is cleansed after the deep cleaning mask, so it's a very good chance to absorb moisture or nutrients. So a moisture mask at this time is perfect. You can feel your skin actually absorb better. Also, deep cleaning mask is already quite 刺激,so i don't suggest you to use 收毛孔 products afterward.
You can also use 磨砂once every week. Your skin can absorb skin care products better after removing the dead cells. But Don't use it with deep cleaning mask. It will hurt your skin too much. ( I did this before, but more and more people and magazine are telling me not to do so)

You can do these once seperately every week.
1. 潔面 ---> 深層清潔 Mask ---> 保濕化妝水 ----> 保濕mask ---> Whitening essence
---> Lotion
2. 潔面 ----> 磨砂 ---> 化妝水 ----> 保濕mask ---> Whitening essence----> Lotion

Hope all these can help you have beautiful skin =)
參考: myself
2007-07-21 11:13 am
做好保濕, 皮膚有水份...
毛孔,黑頭,暗瘡都會跟住少架喇 ..

我MSN:[email protected]
2007-07-20 10:38 pm

2007-07-20 8:09 pm
洗面產品 -> 爽膚水 (= 化妝水 ) -> 面霜
洗面 -> 磨砂 -> 深層清潔mask -> 化妝水 -> 保濕/美白/收毛孔 mask -> 精華素 ->眼霜 -> 面霜
實際上, 只是用基本護膚程序是唔夠的, 有好多人都會用精華素的, 由此精華素一般比面霜的質地輕, 滲透得快好多, 所以會用於面霜之前, 化妝水之後. 如果你打算用1支以上的精華素, 咁要先搽隻質地輕d, 之後再搽另一隻, 咁會好d! 另外, 係搽任何護膚品之後要確定皮膚已經吸收哂先好再搽另一隻護膚品!
我自己就是早晚都用保濕精華, 夜晚再加美白的, 我覺得精華素早晚搽唔同都ok的!
mask方面, 我自己就是用o左磨砂先再用深層清潔mask, 之後用保濕mask, 或者你用收毛孔都ok的, 不過美白mask 我會過2日先做, 唔會同其他mask 一齊做. 因為一般美白mask 比保濕mask 較易感敏, 用完清潔mask 皮膚會好易受到其他刺激, 引致感敏, 所以用保濕mask 會安全d!
美白精華我用開sofina的, 清爽唔"立", 唔會敏感!
至於深層清潔方面,我只用過clinique pore minimizer refining mask, 都幾好的, 又唔是太貴, 可以試下的!
2007-07-20 5:26 pm
我現在用緊一隻牌子既產品係有效保濕, 美白,收毛孔, 去粉刺及黑頭等功用, 若你有興趣, 我可給你有關資料及教你護膚方法, my email: [email protected]
2007-07-20 9:53 am
瀅白三效保養系列 Tri-Phasic White System 光線的照射能為半透明的花瓣、奪目的彩蝶翅膀、閃爍的美鑽添上光芒。瀅白剔透的臉龐則能充份散發您的內在美。現在您可利用Nu Skin®瀅白三效保養系列的先進科學方法締造您肌膚潛藏的美。

Nu Skin®瀅白三效保養系列共有五件產品,能有系統地提升肌膚的美白過程。這項科學方法能於肌膚表面減低色斑的啟動、合成及展現。經臨床驗證,在每項產品中的主要成分互相配合下,Nu Skin®瀅白三效保養系列成為最有效、最全面的美白系列。


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