i went to UK to study high school after HKCEE.
I got information from 大地 & academic asia.
大地need to pay money if you want them to find school for you and to arrange for interview. But academic asia does not require any money. all services are free. when i went to UK, i used academic asia as my agent. when i asked them which school is good, they highly recommended a particular school, the officer said that teh school is godd, it only has a few chinese. However, when i went there, there are many chinese. the agent was telling lies........i bet because this school gave them high commission fee......so *****! But except for this bad point, the teaching staff of this school is good, very good quality and a high university entry rate~ the teachers were very nice.....
u can also search on the internet to try to gather more information abt the type of school u want to enter......U can also go to British Council Hong Kong to hv a look, they also provide much info abt the schools in UK.
去到uk, 你會入讀lower sixth, 即hk ge F.6,都有好多科俾你揀,如果你讀開文科,可揀geog, textile, art, psycho (我f.5 時讀文科都選了psycho), history of art, 不過我唔建議你揀History, 因為好難讀。基本上無mud hk ppl 會讀history。
如果你讀理科,你可選chem, physics, bio, psycho 都得。
其實uk 無好似hk 分得咁清,只要你鍾意,又覺得自己讀到,就可以揀。
我o個陣過去都係一個人,我有搵guardian 公司,因為你未夠18 yrs old 就要搵。guardian 公司派車來airport接我,車我去學校。你也應搵呢d公司呀,因為你無親戚朋友在uk, 對嗎?
如再有野想知,可email 我
2007-07-24 09:40:18 補充:
self experience , plz dun copy~
參考: F.5 後到uk 讀high school