
2007-07-20 5:36 am
由小學到國中就讀於Jakarta Taipei School,接著則在Gandhi Memorial International School完成高中學業,對印尼的自然、人文環境、語言有著相當程度的了解;而高中時學校則是採取英語教育。在國際學校就學期間熟識了來自各國不同背景的同學,也因此學會了韓語及廣東話。2005年8月畢業於加拿大Vancouver Premier College,主修Hotel Management。求學過程相當的愉快,因結交很多外國同學,亦多少更加了解了各國文化及國際見聞。在加拿大居住期間,有很多香港人和韓國人移民至此,也因此廣東話和韓文亦更加流利。2006年回到了台灣以後,在假日環亞飯店櫃台任職Guest Relation Agent,上述的兩項工作讓我增長了不少見聞,豐富人生經驗。而語文方面,英文、印尼文、韓文、廣東話、中文、台語等多國語言,在工作上更能充實及發揮,增加了社會歷練與待人處事的寶貴心得。也體會到身為相關領域從業人員,必須對新事物的學習抱持積極的態度。現今社會講究適應能力和專業知識,但基本的工作態度是不變的。

回答 (1)

2007-07-20 6:44 am
✔ 最佳答案
From primary school to secondary school, I studied in Jakarta Taipei School. Then, I finished my senior study at Gandhi Memorial International School. Because of this, I have a deep understanding of Indonesia's natural and human environment as well as the native language there. In my senior Form of study, English is the medium of instruction. Taking this advantage, in my international school, I knew many people from different countries and nationalities. I also learned Cantonese and Korean during this period. In August 2005, I graduated from the Vancouver Premier College in Canada, majoring in Hotel Management. Indeed, I have lots of delighted days in the process. As I have mentioned, I know more friends and so I have widened my horizons within the academic year. Living in Canada, I saw many Hong Kong people and Korean have moved their flats to there. And my proficiency in both Cantonese and Korean have greatly increased. The year 2006 after I have returned to Taiwan, I worked in the counter as a Guest Relation Agent in a resort hotel. My working experience in the above jobs have boraden my perspective and enriched my living experience. In linguistics aspect, my English, Indonesian, Korean, Cantonese and other languages have made to the full use together with my valuable experience in working in the society. Most importantly, I have experienced the importance of accepting new ideas and holding a active attitude of learning modern techniques in my working field. Today's society sets great store by the individual's ability, expertise and adaptability. However, one thing remains unchanged: it is the essential working attitude of a person.
參考: 自己

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