有無grammer mistake

2007-07-20 5:26 am
the COLDEST winter ever i had in my life.
eitehr the LONELIEST winter ever in my life.

呢2個sentences 有無grammer mistake呢??

回答 (3)

2007-07-20 2:02 pm
✔ 最佳答案
有錯, 有少少sentence structure問題
第一句應該係 the coldest winter I ever had in my life
個ever 係 adverb, 用黎modify verb, adj 或者其他advberb, 所以應該放係個subject 既後面, verb 既前面
你可以話 it's the coldest winter ever, 但係有 I had, 就唔可以話 the coldest winter ever I had, 要講 I ever had
第2句....唔知你句句子係唔係full sentence?? 點解成句都冇verb既???
參考: myself, I live in US
2007-07-20 9:07 pm
除非你己離開了人世(大吉利事),否則用“I had in my life”是錯的。因為你的生命仍在延續中,所以當你說過去的或直到目前的事情,你要用present perfect tense,亦即是: I have ever had in my life.
This is the coldest winter that I have ever had in my life.

(若果你是寫過去式:This was the coldest winter that I had ever had in my life.)

This is the coldest winter in my life.

因為ever有「至今」的意思,而in my life就是你的生命裡,當然也存有「至今」,所以若沒有了動詞,你不該把ever和in my life一同使用,除非你想很強調這是你「今生今世中最寒冷的一個冬天」。

2007-07-20 5:37 am
無 but i do not know what is ''eitehr '' do you type the wrong word?

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