
2007-07-20 4:40 am
做事謹慎:容許我舉兩個例子。首先,過往每逢考試的時候,我總會重覆檢查已完成的試題,每一細節都不放過,務求把出錯的機會減至最低。另外,從事final year project的時侯,我亦不時參考老師的意見,準備presentation的時候亦會排練得滾瓜爛熟。
我已於今年應考LCCI level 3,雖然成績尚未公佈,但我很有信心可以通過。
除學業以外,我亦積極參與課外活動,包括Physical Fitness and DBS Bank Recruitment Talk。另外,我亦熱心參與志願服務,例如Flag Selling Service and Household Cleanup Service for Elderly。我也十分關注就業市場動向,故數月前亦參與星展銀行的招聘講座(DBS BANK RECRUITMENT TALK)。

回答 (1)

2007-07-20 4:56 am
✔ 最佳答案
Do things cautiously, please allow me to give two examples. First, when there were exams in the past, I will check my answers repeatedly; I will see every details in order to reduce the chances of mistakes to minimum. Secondly, when I did my final project, I seek opinions from teachers; I also did many practices when I prepare presentation.
I did the LCCI Level 3 this year, although the result is not release yet, however, I do feel extremely confident that I will pass. Apart from my studies, I also participated extracurricular activities, which includes Physical Fitness and DBS Bank Recruitment Talk. In addition, I participated voluntary services, for example, Flag Selling Service and Household Cleanup Service for Elderly. I also quite interest in recruitment trend, therefore I participated the DBS BANK RECRUITMENT TALK organized by DBS Bank.

2007-07-19 20:56:52 補充:
I will look at every details

2007-07-19 20:57:51 補充:
I did the LCCI Level 3 exam this year
參考: myself

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