
2007-07-20 3:51 am
其實我的英文也不差的,但是這些句子是用作求職的...所以煩請高手為我翻譯(Foreigners would be the best!)


去年年尾我曾於補習社擔當文員一職,主要負責接待、資料輸入and handle some accounts duties等,工作表現亦得到上司認同。

前年暑假我亦做過Sales, 負責盤點存貨及出單等,隨著不斷解決問題,大大提高了自信心及判斷力。

獨立:會計專才需要獨立處理全盤賬目(handle full set of accounts),而我凡事都會獨立思考...(可以的話請為我作個例子)




回答 (2)

2007-07-20 3:56 am
✔ 最佳答案

去年年尾我曾於補習社擔當文員一職,主要負責接待、資料輸入and handle some accounts duties等,工作表現亦得到上司認同。

前年暑假我亦做過Sales, 負責盤點存貨及出單等,隨著不斷解決問題,大大提高了自信心及判斷力。

獨立:會計專才需要獨立處理全盤賬目(handle full set of accounts),而我凡事都會獨立思考...(可以的話請為我作個例子)




About mine disposition, myself extremely driving also amiable near person, the interpersonal relationship and the communication skill are good, this aspect is also deep front the employer and the colleague appreciates. Last year the end of the year I once took on an officer duty to enrolling in supplementary lessons society, the primary cognizance reception, the material input and handle some accounts duties and so on, the work performance also obtains the boss to approve. Year before last summer vacation I also have made Sales, responsibly inventories and the list and so on, along with unceasingly solves the problem, greatly enhanced the self-confidence and the judgment. Independent: Accountant people needs independent processing overall account item (handle full set of accounts), but my everything can the independent thinking... (be allowed speech please makes an example for me) Shortcoming: In the work aspect too perfect principle, sometimes requests to the others excessively high. Merit: Desire to do better greatly strengthened, can not but (always) whole-heartedly complete each matter. I above thought also is engaged in accountant the profession the most important condition/important element.

2007-07-20 3:57 am
About my personality, I am very initiative and kind and approachable, interpersonal relationships and communicative skill are good, the employer and colleague appreciated before also firmlying get in this respect.

I had taken on a duty of a civilian in the continuation school last the end of the year, responsible for receiving mainly, the materials import and handle some accounts duties ,etc., the work performance also has to go to the superior and approves.

I also made Sales on summer vacation in the year before last, responsible for checking stocks and producing singly etc., with solving the problem constantly, have improved self-confidence and judgement greatly .

Independence: The accounting specialized personnel needs to deal with the account (handle full set of accounts ) totally independently, and my everything will be thought independently ...(whether permitted please make pieces of example for me)

Shortcoming: The perfect doctrine, have too high expectations for others sometimes in work.

Advantage : Enterprise is extremely strong, have (always ) to do a good job of every thing wholeheartedly.

I think that the above is also engaged in the most important condition of the accounting profession / important factor.

2007-07-20 12:01:27 補充:
參考: 自已

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