讀 Polya sso可否申請hall住

2007-07-20 2:15 am
讀poly asso可否申請hall住
how much?

回答 (3)

2007-07-20 6:57 am
✔ 最佳答案
you can apply ka~
last time when i interview, i asked the student( helper)
they sais that we can apply the accomodation
but u should give a reasonable reason e.g. you live very far....
BTW, the poly (degree) students have the benefits that they can have a higher opportunity to have the chance of living in hall

if u want the details, i suggest you can ask the poly u~
參考: me
2007-07-21 5:41 pm
OH¬ that is ¬!
2007-07-20 4:29 am
poly asso同poly u係互相獨立ge部門, 所以poly u asso係冇hall住ga......
我註冊o個日, 都冇講任何關於hall ge野...

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