
2007-07-20 1:13 am
我想apply教育行業的工作,但好多時候..佢係用中文post....咁我用中文的cover letter可以嗎??但係cv係咪一定都係中文呢???因為中文的cv好似好怪咁.英文會好d咁..不過如果要用英文譯番cover letter又唔夠傳神.....唉~~~可以點呢??
help me~~~

回答 (1)

2007-07-20 1:28 am
✔ 最佳答案
Most CVs and the Cover Letters are written in English, even the job posted in Chinese you can still send them your English CV.
If you really want to have a good looking or professional CV, you can find some people or agents to help you to write it. But of course it cost you some money la, from few hundres to few thousand.

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