付款, 應該以invoice付, 還是以statement付呢?

2007-07-19 8:29 pm
在公司開票付款時, 應以invoice開票付款, 還是以monthly statement開票付款呢?
如果與供應商沒有簽下月結協議, 以invoice 付?
有簽月結協議, 以monthly statement付? 有無關系?

此外, 有客向我解釋 "月結單" 為列示某一個月的結欠單據, 月結單的定義又是甚麼呢?

回答 (2)

2007-07-20 6:49 am
✔ 最佳答案
For better internal control, you should ask supplier the original signed invoices for payment arrangement.
You should also check with monthly statement sent from vendor for o/s invoices.
For any invoices which you are not yet received original doc., please better not pay for it. Since you not yet get proper approval for these invoices and appropriate verification by other department.
參考: My personal experience
2007-07-19 10:44 pm
You can check the statement with all your purchases invoice on hand. Any difference, you can call your supplier for adjustment. After all, you can draw the cheque for payment at the month end.

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