「米缸」點樣譯比較得體 牙?

2007-07-19 8:13 pm
「米缸」點樣譯比較得體 牙?

回答 (3)

2007-07-23 5:26 am
✔ 最佳答案
You can read as 'rice vat' , 'rice jar' , 'rice tub'
Container explain:
1. 容器(如箱、盒、罐等)[C]

Because Container did not have the explain '缸', so i think use 'rice vat' , 'rice jar' ,
'rice tub'

缸 = http://hk.dictionary.yahoo.com/search.html?q=1&s=%AC%FB

Hope can help you la ^^
2007-07-19 8:22 pm
~~~ 存米箱 ~~~
2007-07-19 8:19 pm
你係問放米個筒「米缸」--- Rice container
定係人稱「米缸」嘅煙灰缸 ---- Ash Tray

2007-07-20 12:46:46 補充:
thanks! make sure the spelling is RICE CONTAINER ^_^

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