急問點先可以盡快有美國留學簽證? (10 POINTS)

2007-07-19 12:43 pm
如果我去new york讀書, 不過個擔保人in san f.
重有,去到讀public high school得唔得
要幾錢讀public high school(最緊要講到幾錢到)
讀college ga, 又要幾錢到?(around)
同洗唔洗in new york 報左學校先



us 學生visa 入息證明(詳情??????? 我想問 1) apply student visa 既 入息證明 可唔可以交我伯父架?? 2) 應該要交咩information about 入息證明(請詳細列出)? 3) 係咪讀三&4 years 既course 就要多d$做入息證明架??? 4) 大概幾多錢佢先批???

回答 (2)

2007-07-19 3:31 pm
✔ 最佳答案
If you wanna study aboard, i prefer you apply for no matter high school or college(whatever school u r planning to go) and see are they gonna accept you or not. If they do, then apply for student VISA. Student VISA is pretty fast. And once they approved, its not gonna have any problem.

Public High School is free, even for international student. Bcos US offer free education up the high school, which is very good. But you have to successfully got into the school first.
In College, for international student they charge you per unit, and different states have different price. I'm in US, California, so i can give u informations about California but not NY, im sorry.

For international student is around 200 dollars per unit in college, and 12 units per semester consider as full-time student. And first time get into a school u need to pay one time application fee and each semester u need to pay for school health insurance, also if u drive, u need to buy parking permit.

So only the tuition fee is 200*12=2400 USdollars at least, <-- not inculding parking, one time application fee and insurance. But the last 3 items are not that expensive as the tuition, so i think its around 2800USdollars in total.

Actually im at work, all i can think of right now are all in here, maybe i could think of some more when i got home. So, if u still wanna know, feel free to add me in your msn. [email protected]
參考: Experiences of help international students in US, Califonia.
2007-07-22 5:37 am
如果我去new york讀書, 不過個擔保人in san f.

去到讀public high school得唔得
要幾錢讀public high school(最緊要講到幾錢到)
讀college ga, 又要幾錢到?(around)
one mon
1) apply student visa 既 入息證明 可唔可以交我伯父架??
2) 應該要交咩information about 入息證明(請詳細列出)?
3) 係咪讀三&4 years 既course 就要多d$做入息證明架???
4) 大概幾多錢佢先批???

2007-07-24 21:03:42 補充:
mine is the best ans

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