UK 朋友 , 在ebay買野出事

2007-07-19 9:59 am
有個 UK 外國人朋友 , 在 買左 USD $192 含運費 ( no insurance ) 已付款到一位seller ( HK 人 ) , sure 佢收左錢 , 但 seller 話己寄貨 , 咁UK 外國人朋友從來冇收過貨

( 付款前 , seller 己 e-mail 話明 buyer 冇 buy insurance , 要自己 take risk )

咁buyer 又提供唔到收據號碼 , under 2KG , 冇掛號

咁我個朋友可通過 oversea 警處報警 ma ? 咁香港警處又會為 USD $191 而受理 , 向HK seller 做野ma ?

回答 (2)

2007-07-19 10:10 am
✔ 最佳答案
Complain to e-bay to tell them about the event.
I think they will tell you what to do and the following steps.
Don't worry.
Guys like this is going to nowhere because e-bay will get them to the police.
2007-07-19 4:45 pm
Complain to e-bay to tell them about the event.
I think they will tell you what to do and the following steps. Guys like this is going to nowhere because e-bay will get them to the police.

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