cat depression, need HELP~~?

2007-07-18 1:52 pm
I just adopted a 15-yr old have flu, depression cat.
She saw her last owner past away at her own house. Since then, at the humane society, she is up & down for 2 months; to a point she got a flu, and start to give up on herself. She was force feeded and take antibiotic. 1 nurse tells me that if i can't take her, she probably won't last in 4 days (last day of her med). So i took her in.

Since then, I have to seperate my cat away from her (coz the new cat is sick). the new cat has been eating and drinking (sometimes we force drinking), poo~ing, but not pee~ing everyday. She doesn't move much at all, she will just get up and eat and drink, then go right back to her bed (sitting or sleeping).

She almost done her antibiotic(2 more days), she is not very playful, how i can make her to move more or even out of depression? (we have spend lot of time w/ her already,grooming/ playing, we didn't watch any TV for 4 days); her hine leg can't stand/ walk well, how i can improve that?? Thks~

well, the new cat is getting way better, we figure out that she is previously is a outdoor cat, no wonder is got depressed at the humane society since she is in a CAGE for 2 months. But since haven't poo for 2.5 days already, we try everything we thought of, any suggestion? thanks again

回答 (4)

2007-07-18 2:01 pm
✔ 最佳答案
I admire your compassion of taking in a 15 year old cat - who is sick, at that. But for future reference, don't let humane shelter employees or animal care takers guilt you into taking an animals.

You're doing great by giving the antibiotics and keeping her separated from your other cat. Continue to do this and follow up with a local veterinarian once she's finished her medication - she may need another course of antibiotics.

You also need to think about her quality of life at this point. 15 years old, for a cat, is pretty up there. It would be the equivalent of us being about 75 years old and I'm sure you could imagine what shape our bodies and health would be in at that age - and being that she's been living in a shelter recently, for how long who knows, she may not be in the best shape to fight off infections. Please don't be too disappointed if it's nearing her 'time'.

Good luck.
參考: Veterinary technician.
2007-07-18 2:10 pm
you sound like a great person to adopt a cat and make her last few (hopefully) years good.

have you taken her to your own vet yet to be checked out? I would do that and then go from there, just spend time with her.
2007-07-18 1:56 pm
I'm a cat lover so I'm not saying this to be cruel, but it sounds like her time is up. Please don't let her suffer.
2016-05-22 4:45 am
Kitty is in mourning. I just dealth with this. After Phoebe passed away, I did take her companion Rita to the vet. Rita didn't want her food or her treats which scarred us. There was nothing wrong with her. We just gave her lots of love when she was ready, got 2 new kittens and are trying to integrate now. Rita has cheered up, is becoming interested in the kittens (the hissing has stopped) and seems to be more active. Your kitty might be nuts when she meets the kittens, but I think if you give it some time, she'll benefit, become more active, and cheer up. Cats are tougher than we think. You're moving in with a guy who has 2 kittens? SO CUTE! I know you're very sad, and so is kitty, but it sounds like you're making the right moves, which is all you can do. I would keep them apart for a while, and if you have something where they can see each other, but not get at each other, it's easier for you (I have a gate, 20$). You can also do the carrier thing where you put the kittens in a carrier and introduce everybody that way. Trim everybody's nails, and make sure everybody is up to date with a vet, and get ready for some hissing. The vet can also give you a lot of information about how to get everybody comfortable. If this takes a long time, don't feel bad. Hissing is what they do, don't let it discourage you. But, in a month, you will all be happier. You won't get over the loss (I don't believe we get over or replace pets or people), but the kittens and the integration with your cat will give you something to focus your attention on. My husband and I were at my mom's crying for a few days. We still miss Phoebe, but we don't cry all the time now and the kittens are a lot of fun. I'm so sorry for your loss. Good luck, and have fun with the kittens.

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