Hilary Duff同Lindsay Lohan邊個紅d?邊個唱功好d?唔該also give me ...(10點)

2007-07-19 7:50 am
Hilary Duff同Lindsay Lohan 邊個紅d?邊個唱功好d?唔該also give me some of their 資料

回答 (1)

2007-07-19 5:10 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Lindsay Lohan 紅d,因為佢又食煙,又喝酒,又 party, 係狗仔隊 ge 目標,多 d 新聞咪紅 d lo! Hilary 唱功好好多,佢唱 live 同 cd 一樣咁好,但係 Lindsay 唱到聽死人,唔係 ge 話就咪嘴,有時重唱到唔啱口形!!
Hilary ge LIVE: http://youtube.com/watch?v=oJHXkw0qCy4 or http://youtube.com/watch?v=f7XlIqPne88 or http://youtube.com/watch?v=IhrlKrBo-fo
Lindsay ge LIVE: http://youtube.com/watch?v=tNh8QBXFxV4
Lindsay ge 咪嘴 (唔啱嘴形): http://youtube.com/watch?v=ryXuNxXcAE4 or http://youtube.com/watch?v=lSVBLCfodlU

Name: Hilary Erhard Duff
Nicknames: Hil, Juicy, Pickles
Birthday: September 28, 1987
Birth place: Houston, TX
Home: Toluca Lake, Los Angeles, California
Zodiac Sign: Libra
Chinese Zodiac Sign: Rabbit
Grade: College Student
Height: 5'2"
Hair color: Brown
Eye color: Hazel
Parents: Bob & Susan
Sibling: 1 older sister, Haylie
Best friends: Taylor Hoover and Haylie Duff
Role Model: Haylie
Pets: 5 dogs
Cars: Range Rover, Lexus
(more of Hilary's information: http://hilarysource.net/hilary/)

Lindsay Lohan INFORMATION:
Full Name: Lindsay Morgan Lohan
Birthdate: July 2, 1986
Birthplace: New York City, New York, USA
Nickname: Linds
Height: 5′ 5″ (1.65 m)
Color of Eyes: Green
Sexual orientation: Straight
Parents : Michael Lohan & Dina Lohan
Siblings: Three younger siblings - Michael, Aliana and Dakota
(more of Lindsay's information: http://lindsaylohanfan.org/html/lindsay.php)
參考: ME

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