
2007-07-19 5:51 am

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2007-07-19 6:27 am
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26.Phrases about relationships

Good things
1.to go out with 與(某人)外出
2.to date 約會
3.to admire 欣賞
4.to be in love with 與(某人)相愛
5.to make up with 與(某人)和解了

6.to argue with 就某事與某人辯論
7.to fight with 與(某人)打架
8.to break up with 與(某人)分手
9.to finish with 與(某人)關係完結
10.to be jealous of 妒忌(某人)

Teem problems 青少年問題
1.dissatisfied with weight 不滿意體重
2.feel bored at the wekend 週末感到沉悶
3.have lots of pimples 臉上長滿青春豆
4.have no friends 沒有朋友
5.have nowhere to study 沒有溫習的地方
6.have too much homework 太多功課
7.never have enough money 永遠不夠錢用
8.parents are always too busy 父母太忙
9.parents are too strict 父母管教太嚴
10.worried about not have a boyfriend/girlfriend 憂慮沒有男/女朋友


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