
2007-07-19 5:38 am
What is a clock??

My english is bad!!

回答 (4)

2007-07-20 2:05 am
1)A clock (from the Latin cloca, "bell") is an instrument for measuring time. True clocks have an announcing or striking mechanism that sounds after each set interval of time, usually by ringing a bell (which, as previously indicated, originally gave the clock its name), chimes, or gong. A silent clock without a striking mechanism is traditionally known as a timepiece, a term sometimes used by horologists and other specialists to describe ordinary wrist watches and other timekeeping devices lacking a striking mechanism (see Baillie et al., p. 307; Palmer, p. 19; Zea & Cheney, p. 172).

"Clock" is derived from the French, cloche, which in turn was derived from the Latin term, cloca. In French, cloche is feminine, so when referring to the hour "by the bell" it takes the a la and puts it into the masculine form au cloche, properly pronounced with a long õ then "Clõsh." So, au cloche in French becomes in English o'clock, which however in older English usage was sometimes spelled "of the clock". The advent of the clock tower and bell approximates the Norman influence in England. While the Normans were of Scandinavian descent, they spoke French.

2)時鐘(從拉丁cloca, "響鈴") 是為測量的時間的一臺儀器。真實的時鐘有一宣佈或那聽起來在各集合間隔時間時間以後的醒目的機制, 通常由敲響, 依照早先被表明, 最初給時鐘它的名字)
的響鈴(, 編鐘, 或鑼。一個沈默時鐘沒有一個醒目的機制傳統上知道作為鐘錶、規定由horologists 有時使用和其它專家描述普通的手錶和其他timekeeping 設備缺乏一個醒目的機制(參見Baillie 等, p. 307; Palmer, p. 19; Zea & Cheney, p. 172) 年。

"時鐘" 從法國人, cloche, 被獲得從拉丁期限反過來被獲得, cloca 。用法語, cloche 是女性, 因此當提到小時"由響鈴" 它採取la 和投入它入男性形式au cloche, 適當地發音與長?hen "Cl? 。" 如此, au cloche 用法語成為在英國時, 然而在更舊的英國用法有時被拼寫"時鐘" 。時鐘塔和響鈴的出現接近諾曼底影響在英國。當諾曼底人是斯堪的納維亞下降, 他們講法語。
參考: me
2007-07-19 5:49 am
What is a clock? = 什麼是時鐘?
2007-07-19 5:42 am
2007-07-19 5:41 am
參考: me

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