
2007-07-19 4:36 am

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2007-07-19 5:10 am
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綠海龜 出自維基百科,自由嘅百科全書 跳去: 定向, 搵嘢


極危 (CR) 物種分類 界 (Regnum): Animalia
門 (Phylum): Chordata
綱 (Classis): Reptilia
目 (ordo): Testudines
科 (familia): Cheloniidae
屬 (genus): Chelonia
Latreille in Sonnini & Latreille, 1802 種 (species): C. mydas
二元學名 Chelonia mydas
(Linnaeus, 1758) 綠海龜係世界上分佈最廣泛嘅海龜
目錄 [收埋] 1 分布2 特徵3 食啲乜4 曾響香港產卵地點5 保育現狀6 參見7 圖片

[編輯] 分布 熱帶

[編輯] 特徵
綠海龜的龜甲 成年綠海龜殼呈黃綠色或者深啡色,長約70至150厘米
,體重約200公斤,也有紀 錄逾400公斤。因為體內脂肪係淺綠色,所以先畀人叫做綠海龜。

[編輯] 食啲乜 綠海龜係雜食性動物

[編輯] 曾響香港產卵地點
未成年的夏威夷 "Honu" 石澳

[編輯] 保育現狀 2006年11月,漁護署

Green sea turtle From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Jump to: navigation, search Green Sea Turtle

Conservation status

Endangered (IUCN) Scientific classification Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Chordata
Class: Reptilia
Order: Testudines
Family: Cheloniidae
Genus: Chelonia
Latreille in Sonnini & Latreille, 1802 Species: C. mydas
Binomial name Chelonia mydas
(Linnaeus, 1758) This page redirects from Chelonia, which is the genus name of this turtle, but has also been used for the order Testudines of all turtles and tortoises. Chelonia mydas, more commonly known as the green sea turtle, is a large sea turtle
belonging to the family Cheloniidae. It is the only species in the genus Chelonia.[1]
Contents [hide] 1 Anatomy and Morphology2 Range and Distribution 2.1 Atlantic subpopulation 2.1.1 Florida and the Caribbean 2.2 Pacific subpopulation 3 Ecology and Life History 3.1 Habitat3.2 Feeding Ecology3.3 Life History 4 Etymology and Taxonomic History5 Importance to Humans6 Conservation7 Gallery8 Bibliography9 References10 See also11 External links
2007-07-20 4:58 am



為了保護海龜的產卵地,深灣的沙灘已於一九九九年列為 "限制地區" 。每年由六月一日至十月三十一日,即海龜的產卵季節,禁止未持有許可證人士進入或在該區內逗留。在產卵季節,本署的自然護理員會經常在深灣進行日夜巡邏,以保護上岸產卵的綠海龜及海龜蛋。


另外,為了辦認每隻來港的海龜身份及遷游路線,我們去年開始進行標誌放流的研究。在海龜產卵後,我們會以一個刻有獨立編號及地址的細小合金環標誌夾在海龜的鰭狀肢上。標誌放流的研究可使護理人員更容易辦認海龜的身分,有助瞭解來港海龜的種群大小及產卵習性。另外,若當其他人士在外地見到有該標誌的海龜而通知我們,我們便可以得悉海龜棲息地的位置。本港第一隻被標誌的綠海龜編號為 "HK-001" 。我們亦曾將位於不適合自然孵化地點的海龜蛋移走進行人工孵化,並成功孵出超過 100 隻小海龜,大部份人工孵化的小海龜已放回大自然。



Green sea turtles, Chelonia mydas, get their name from the color of their body fat, which is green from the algae or limu they eat. Adult green sea turtles are herbivores, meaning that they eat only plants, and therefore do not pose a threat to any other marine animals. Similar to cows, green sea turtles depend on bacteria in their guts for digestion of plant material. Juvenile green sea turtles on the other hand are carnivorous. Their diet consists of jellyfish and other invertebrates. Adult green sea turtles can weigh up to 500 pounds and are often found living near coral reefs and rocky shorelines where limu is plentiful. Although the carapaces of green sea turtles are mostly dark brown in color, they can be covered with patches of algae on which fishes in turn feed. This type of feeding arrangement is an example of symbiosis. Symbiosis occurs when a relationship forms between individuals of two different species for an extended period of time. This particular relationship of the fish eating algae off the turtle's shell would be considered a form of mutualism, a type of symbiosis in which both species benefit from their association. Here, the fish get a free meal, and the sea turtle gets a clean shell.

Green sea turtles are found throughout the world's oceans. Like the other six species of sea turtles, green sea turtle populations are considered either endangered or threatened. Hawaii's population of green sea turtles is listed as threatened under the federal Endangered Species Act, indicating that they may become endangered in the near future. Some populations of green sea turtles in other parts of the world are not as lucky; the populations off the coast of Florida and the Pacific coast of Mexico are already listed as endangered. While tiger sharks are known to feed upon the green sea turtles, man it seems, may pose a greater threat to the animal's survival.
參考: Yahoo HK
2007-07-19 5:19 am





對 綠 海 龜 而 言 , 生 育 從 古 到 今 都 是 神 聖 的 , 千 隻 只 能 活 一 隻 。 幼 年 綠 海 龜 要 用 上 約 30 年 才 成 熟 , 2 至 3 年 才 繁 殖 一 次 , 平 均 壽 命 50 至 80 歲 。

因 受 發 展 及 捕 獵 威 脅 , 綠 海 龜 數 量 銳 減 , 牠 在 香 港 受 保 護 , 更 是 國 家 二 級 保 護 動 物 。 南 丫 島 深 灣 是 牠 們 在 香 港 的 唯 一 繁 殖 地 , 因 此 1999 年 列 為 「 具 特 殊 科 學 價 值 地 點 」 , 禁 止 市 民 於 6 至 10 月 的 繁 殖 季 節 進 入 , 違 例 者 最 高 罰 款 5 萬 元 。

現 時 全 世 界 有 260 種 龜 鱉 , 海 龜 只 佔 8 種 , 香 港 有 紀 錄 的 則 有 4 種 , 其 中 綠 海 龜 選 擇 在 香 港 繁 殖 。 雄 龜 在 海 中 與 母 龜 交 配 後 並 不 上 岸 , 晚 上 長 達 個 半 小 時 的 挖 洞 產 蛋 過 程 由 母 龜 獨 力 承 擔 。 母 龜 每 次 產 逾 百 隻 蛋 , 每 季 繁 殖 3 至 5 次 , 即 每 年 最 少 也 產 數 百 甚 至 近 千 隻 蛋 , 但 小 龜 存 活 率 低 , 在 自 然 環 境 中 , 千 隻 只 得 一 隻 順 利 長 大 。 不 少 海 龜 蛋 便 被 人 挖 走 , 部 分 小 龜 則 被 捕 食 或 捕 捉 作 標 本 。

Sea turtles are large, air-breathing reptiles that inhabit tropical and subtropical seas throughout the world. Their shells consist of an upper part (carapace) and a lower section (plastron). Hard scales (or scutes) cover all but the leatherback, and the number and arrangement of these scutes can be used to determine the species.

Sea turtles come in many different sizes, shapes and colors. The olive ridley is usually less than 100 pounds, while the leatherback typically ranges from 650 to 1,300 pounds! The upper shell, or carapace, of each sea turtle species ranges in length, color, shape and arrangement of scales.

Sea turtles do not have teeth, but their jaws have modified "beaks" suited to their particular diet. They do not have visible ears but have eardrums covered by skin. They hear best at low frequencies, and their sense of smell is excellent. Their vision underwater is good, but they are nearsighted out of water. Their streamlined bodies and large flippers make them remarkably adapted to life at sea. However, sea turtles maintain close ties to land.

Females must come ashore to lay their eggs in the sand; therefore, all sea turtles begin their lives as tiny hatchlings on land. Research on marine turtles has uncovered many facts about these ancient creatures. Most of this research has been focused on nesting females and hatchlings emerging from the nest, largely because they are the easiest to find and study.

Thousands of sea turtles around the world have been tagged to help collect information about their growth rates, reproductive cycles and migration routes. After decades of studying sea turtles, much has been learned. However, many mysteries still remain.

Most females nest at least twice during each mating season; some may nest up to ten times in a season. A female will not nest in consecutive years, typically skipping one or two years before returning.

Growth & Development

They grow slowly and take between 15 and 50 years to reach reproductive maturity, depending on the species. There is no way to determine the age of a sea turtle from its physical appearance. It is theorized that some species can live over 100 years.

Status of the Species
The earliest known sea turtle fossils are about 150 million years old. In groups too numerous to count, they once navigated throughout the world's oceans. But in just the past 100 years, demand for turtle meat, eggs, skin and colorful shells has dwindled their populations. Destruction of feeding and nesting habitats and pollution of the world's oceans are all taking a serious toll on remaining sea turtle populations.
2007-07-19 4:45 am
參考: All the information from wikipedia

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