小白菜 a variety of Chinese cabbage
大白菜 a Chinese cabbage; a celery cabbage
油菜 .[Botany] rape
蕪菁 .[Botany] a turnip
榨菜 .[Botany] mustard tuber, hot pickled mustard tuber
花椰菜 .[Botany] a cauliflower
蘿蔔 a radish
菠菜 .[Botany] spinach
香菜 coriander leaves; cilantro
芹菜 .[Botany] celery
茼蒿 [Botany] crowndaisy chrysanthemum
小茴香 .[Botany] cumin
生菜 uncooked vegetable, head lettuce; iceberg lettuce; romaine lettuce
莧菜 Botany] a three-colored amaranth
蕹菜 water spinach
蒜頭 garlic
洋蔥 Botany] an onion
韭菜 leeks
薤 a vegetable roughly resembling a leek with tiny purple flowers in summer whose scaly stalks are edible when tender
絲瓜 .[Botany] a sponge cucumber; a dishcloth gourd; a loofah
冬瓜 a type of squash without an authentic English name, a wax/white gourd
苦瓜 Botany] a balsam pear
南瓜 .[Botany] a pumpkin; (Am.) a squash
甜瓜 a sweet melon; a musk-melon
西瓜 Watermelon
葫蘆 a calabash; a bottle gourd; a white-flowered gourd
佛手瓜 Botany] a chayote
番茄 tomato
辣椒 .[Botany] a chili; a capsicum; a pepper; a hot pepper; a cayenne pepper
茄子 .[Botany] an eggplant; an aubergine
番薯 ipomoea
馬鈴薯 potato
山藥 mountain or Chinese yam, .[Informal] yam
芋頭 taros, Dialect] a sweet potato
薑 ginger
牛蒡 [Biology] lappa
辣根 horseradish
豌豆 pea
毛豆 a young soybean; soya beans
百合 .[Botany] a lily
仙人掌 .[Botany] a cactus
茭白 .[Botany] wild rice stem
菱角 a water chestnut; a water caltrop
水芹 cress
蘑菇 mushroom
香菇 mushrooms; dried mushrooms
茯苓 .[Chinese Medicine] Poria cocos; fuling; tuckahoe
黑木耳 black fungus
紫菜 Botany] laver
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