
2007-07-19 12:59 am

回答 (4)

2007-07-19 1:05 am
✔ 最佳答案
空心菜 Water convolvulus

菠菜 Spinach

芹菜 Celery

牛蒡 Burdock

西洋菜 Watercress

韭菜 Leek

金針 Lily flower

香菜 Caraway

莧菜 Amaranth

蘿蔔 Radish ; turnip

紅蘿蔔 Carrot

荸薺 Water chestnut

芋頭 Taro

萵苣 Lettuce

冬瓜 White gourd

南瓜 Pump kin

黃瓜 Cucumber

小黃瓜 Gherkin

絲瓜 Loofah

苦瓜 Bitter-melon

地瓜 Ficus tikaua

菜瓜 Long crooked squash

豆莢 Pod ; legume

豆苗 Sugar peas shoot

豌豆 Pea

毛豆 Green soybean

蠶豆 Broad bean

四季豆 String bean

豆芽 Bean sprout

黃豆芽 Soybean sprout

綠豆芽 Mungbean sprout

蕃茄 Tomato

馬鈴薯 Potato

紅薯 Sweet potato

茄子 Eggplant

竹筍 Bamboo shoot

蘆筍 Asparagus

辣椒 Chilli

青辣椒 Green pepper

生薑 Ginger

洋蔥 Onion

青蔥 Scallion

大蒜 Garlic

蘑菇 Mushrooms

金針菇 Needle mushroom

木耳 Agaric

山藥 Yam

秋葵 Okra

蓮藕 Lotus root

Baby corn 玉米尖

Sweet corn 玉米

Chives Flower韭菜花


Red cabbage 紫色包心菜

Chinese broccoli 芥蘭

Chinese cabbage 白菜

Lettuce 生菜

Broccoli 西蘭花

winter melon 冬瓜

aubergine 茄子

Momordica charant 苦瓜

Celery 芹菜

Welsh onion 蔥

Ginger 薑

Taro 芋頭

bean 豆

eggplant 茄子

peanut 花生

cabbage 白菜

lettuce 生菜

carrot 胡蘿蔔

mushroom 茹

pump kin 南瓜

cauliflower 椰菜花

spinach 菠菜

cucumber 青瓜

有機油麥菜 Chinese lettuce(You Mai Cai)

莧菜 Chinese spinach

莧菜苗 Chinese spinach seedling

芥菜 Mustard

辣椒葉 Red pepper leaf

豆苗 Pea seedling

薯葉 Sweet potato leaf

青通菜 Swamp cabbage

青通菜苗 Swamp cabbage seedling

白通菜 White swamp cabbage

白通菜苗white swap cabbage seeding

韭菜 Chinese chive

韭花(小量) Chinese chive flower

仙人掌 Cactus

洋蔥 Onion

老黃瓜 Cucumber

浦瓜 Chieh-qua

指天椒 Pepper

甜粟米 Corn

茄子 Egg plant

白豆(角) White Cow pea

青豆(角) Cow pea

茄子 Eggplant

竹筍 Bamboo shoot

蘆筍 Asparagus

辣椒 Chilli

青辣椒 Green pepper

生薑 Ginger


大白菜 Cabbage

小白菜 Bok-choy

椰花菜 Cauliflower

西蘭花 Broccoli

甘藍菜 Kale

空心菜 Water convolvulus

菠菜 Spinach

芹菜 Celery

牛蒡 Burdock

西洋菜 Watercress

韭菜 Leek

金針 Lily flower

香菜 Caraway

莧菜 Amaranth

蘿蔔 Radish ; turnip

紅蘿蔔 Carrot

荸薺 Water chestnut

芋頭 Taro

萵苣 Lettuce

冬瓜 White gourd

南瓜 Pum*****in

黃瓜 Cucumber

小黃瓜 Gherkin

絲瓜 Loofah

苦瓜 Bitter-melon

地瓜 Ficus tikaua

菜瓜 Long crooked squash

豆莢 Pod ; legume

豆苗 Sugar peas shoot

豌豆 Pea

毛豆 Green soybean

蠶豆 Broad bean

四季豆 String bean

豆芽 Bean sprout

黃豆芽 Soybean sprout

綠豆芽 Mungbean sprout

蕃茄 Tomato

馬鈴薯 Potato

紅薯 Sweet potato

茄子 Eggplant

竹筍 Bamboo shoot

蘆筍 Asparagus

辣椒 Chilli

青辣椒 Green pepper

生薑 Ginger

洋蔥 Onion

青蔥 Scallion

大蒜 Garlic

蘑菇 Mushrooms

金針菇 Needle mushroom

木耳 Agaric

山藥 Yam

秋葵 Okra

蓮藕 Lotus root

玉米尖Baby corn

玉米Sweet corn

韭菜花Chives Flower


紫色包心菜Red cabbage

芥蘭Chinese broccoli

白菜Chinese cabbage


青通菜 Swamp cabbage

青通菜苗 Swamp cabbage seedling

白通菜 White swamp cabbage

白通菜苗white swap cabbage seeding

韭菜 Chinese chive

韭花(小量) Chinese chive flower

仙人掌 Cactus

洋蔥 Onion

老黃瓜 Cucumber

浦瓜 Chieh-qua

指天椒 Pepper

甜粟米 Corn

茄子 Egg plant

白豆(角) White Cow pea

青豆(角) Cow pea

http://www.foodsubs. com/FGVegetables.htm l, http://www.organicfo od.com.hk/
2007-07-29 9:39 pm
2007-07-20 4:46 am
不錯. 有些重複
2007-07-19 2:54 am
小白菜 a variety of Chinese cabbage
大白菜 a Chinese cabbage; a celery cabbage
油菜 .[Botany] rape
蕪菁 .[Botany] a turnip
榨菜 .[Botany] mustard tuber, hot pickled mustard tuber
花椰菜 .[Botany] a cauliflower
蘿蔔 a radish
菠菜 .[Botany] spinach
香菜 coriander leaves; cilantro
芹菜 .[Botany] celery
茼蒿 [Botany] crowndaisy chrysanthemum
小茴香 .[Botany] cumin
生菜 uncooked vegetable, head lettuce; iceberg lettuce; romaine lettuce
莧菜 Botany] a three-colored amaranth
蕹菜 water spinach
蒜頭 garlic
洋蔥 Botany] an onion
韭菜 leeks
薤 a vegetable roughly resembling a leek with tiny purple flowers in summer whose scaly stalks are edible when tender

絲瓜 .[Botany] a sponge cucumber; a dishcloth gourd; a loofah
冬瓜 a type of squash without an authentic English name, a wax/white gourd
苦瓜 Botany] a balsam pear
南瓜 .[Botany] a pumpkin; (Am.) a squash
甜瓜 a sweet melon; a musk-melon
西瓜 Watermelon
葫蘆 a calabash; a bottle gourd; a white-flowered gourd
佛手瓜 Botany] a chayote
番茄 tomato
辣椒 .[Botany] a chili; a capsicum; a pepper; a hot pepper; a cayenne pepper
茄子 .[Botany] an eggplant; an aubergine
番薯 ipomoea
馬鈴薯 potato
山藥 mountain or Chinese yam, .[Informal] yam
芋頭 taros, Dialect] a sweet potato
薑 ginger
牛蒡 [Biology] lappa
辣根 horseradish
豌豆 pea
毛豆 a young soybean; soya beans
百合 .[Botany] a lily
仙人掌 .[Botany] a cactus
茭白 .[Botany] wild rice stem
菱角 a water chestnut; a water caltrop
水芹 cress
蘑菇 mushroom
香菇 mushrooms; dried mushrooms
茯苓 .[Chinese Medicine] Poria cocos; fuling; tuckahoe
黑木耳 black fungus
紫菜 Botany] laver


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