past continuous tense的問題

2007-07-18 11:26 pm
past continuous tense句子noun之後的verb如何運用?


回答 (2)

2007-07-21 1:28 am
✔ 最佳答案
Past Continuous (過去進行式):

Subject + was/were + verb (動詞+ing)

a. 表示過去正在做一個動作時, 被另一個動作中止左.

I was cooking dinner when my husband came home.

They were playing football before it started to rain.

b. 在一個指定時間發生緊的事情.

At 9:00 last night we were watching TV.

At midnight, I was getting ready for bed.

c. 當兩個過去的動作同時間一齊發生

She was studying while her mother was cleaning house.

d. 表示一個在過去動作已持續了一段長時間

I was reading all day on Sunday.

參考: teacher
2007-07-18 11:33 pm
在過去的時間入面, 有兩年事做緊,當其中一件事發生時間比較長,就會用past continuous tense....

For Example, The telephone rang when I was bathing yesterday.

意思是指當我昨天洗澡的時候, 電話響起。

通常past continuous tense 既verb 係was/were+ ing
參考: 本人的中學英文老師

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