Guardianship in UK

2007-07-18 11:04 pm
My daughter is going to study in the UK this coming September. I want to have some
information on "Guardianship".

Is there anybody who have had good experience with this issue ? Please let me know.

回答 (2)

2007-07-19 1:00 am
✔ 最佳答案
The term "Guardianship" means someone who is over 18 and legally responsible for your daughter, who is under 18. In UK, all boarding school will ask for a guardian, especially those from overseas.

In real term, a guardian should arrange transport / pick up to and from the airport. Also, the guardian should provide accomodation during half-term holiday, usually a week per each term. However, it is very rare the guardian will attend parent-teacher meeting.

There is usually a cost for guardian. In the old days, accomodation per day during half-term can vary between 30 pounds to 45 pounds. There will be additional cost for the transportation to and from airport where necessary.

If you are looking for a guardian, I suggest you should check in advance with the guardian their expectation and fees.

Hope this helps.
參考: Myself. Live in UK.
2007-07-21 5:55 pm
My daughter is studying in UK secondary school. Unfortunately, we haven't good experience on this issue. But I suggest you to contact your daughter's school to seek their help and get some information on this. In my experience some Education Consultancy in HKG cannot really reflect the actual performance of the guardianship company.

Good luck.

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