
2007-07-18 10:40 pm
炎 熱 、 乾 旱 、 荒 蕪 的 西 部 沙 漠 , 同 時 伴 隨 著 惡 勢 力 的 壓 迫 … … 謝 利 連 摩 這 一 次 還 能 絕 處 逢 生 嗎 ?
謝 利 連 摩 和 他 的 鼠 友 們 進 入 了 西 部 沙 漠 探 險 , 在 仙 人 掌 城 裏 , 他 誤 打 誤 撞 贏 得 了 全 體 市 民 的 刮 目 相 看 。 最 後 , 他 肩 負 起 拯 救 仙 人 掌 城 的 使 命 , 去 挑 戰 邪 惡 、 兇 殘 的 黑 夜 鼠 , 奪 回 被 霸 佔 的 水 源 。 明 知 九 死 一 生 , 他 毅 然 挺 身 而 出 , 結 果 怎 樣 ?

回答 (2)

2007-07-18 10:45 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Blazing hot, dry, shabby of the west desert, accompany with the oppression of bad influence in the meantime ……thank benefit even can the Mo also save at the last moment this time?
Thanking the benefit connects Mo and his rat friends into desert in the west exploration, in the cactus city, his mistake beat a mistake to bump to win all the citizen's in different light. End, he starts to carry mission of rescuing the cactus city, challenging improbity, fierce and cruel dark night rat, taking back to be forcibly occupied of headwaters.Know perfectly well narrow escape from death, he volunteers to help resolutely, result how?
參考: 網址:譯言堂
2007-07-19 1:45 am
Blazing hot, dry, shabby of the west desert, accompany with the oppression of bad influence in the meantime ……thank benefit even can the Mo also save at the last moment this time?
Thanking the benefit connects Mo and his rat friends into desert in the west exploration, in the cactus city, his mistake beat a mistake to bump to win all the citizen's in different light. End, he starts to carry mission of rescuing the cactus city, challenging improbity, fierce and cruel dark night rat, taking back to be forcibly occupied of headwaters.Know perfectly well narrow escape from death, he volunteers to help resolutely, result how?

By ... (HK)
參考: hope i can help you ! ~

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