
2007-07-18 10:30 pm
請問哪裡可找一位外籍人仕(英國或美國人)單對單教英文會話? 幾多錢一個鐘? 往哪兒上課? 英文程度低可以單對單學嗎? 請有相關經驗人仕幫忙作答及提供相關資料, 感激萬分~~

回答 (3)

2007-07-19 8:15 pm
Notice that you might need help in improving your English skills. I do private tutoring in English with special methods, focusing in writing and oral. Most of my students are able to show significant improvement within 3 months of tutoring. If you are interested, feel free to contact me at [email protected]
2007-07-18 11:37 pm
最好係去外國人多嘅區, e.g. 赤柱、happy valley, 等, 睇吓百佳和惠康嘅告示版.

另外, HK Magazine分類廣告都好似有.

2007-07-18 16:33:56 補充:
以我記憶, 銅鑼灣皇室堡對面間惠康嘅告示版都有, 因為佢人流多.仲有, check吓以下嘅分類廣告, 成日都有呢d嘢:hongkong.asiaxpat.comwww.geoexpat.com
2007-07-18 10:41 pm
其實你可以直接報讀由英國文化協會舉辨嘅英文課程,有位ar Sir叫做Mr Rowan Newman Robertson,佢教個d係純正英國英文嚟ga~~由8月3日開始上堂~~

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