
2007-07-18 10:26 pm
1) Special Offer for the Holiday Fare: $2 for the Elder, half fear for the students, full fare for the Adult. Wong's Family has 7 member. Two of them are eldrs, 2 are students amnd the rest are adults. They plan to have a trip in the holiday. If the full fare is $x, use an algerbraic expression to respresent the total fare for the Wong's family.

回答 (1)

2007-07-18 11:20 pm
✔ 最佳答案
1) Wong's family = 2 elders, 3 adults & 2 students
total fare = 2(2) + 3(x) + 2(1/2x)
= 4 + 3x + x
= 4 + 4x
= 4(1 + x)

2) A + B + C = 69 ----(1)
A = 1/3B ----(2)
B = 5C
C = 1/5B ----(3)
(2) & (3) into (1)
1/3B + B + 1/5B = 69
B = 45

B = 45 into (2) & (3)
A = 15 , C = 9


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