
2007-07-18 9:26 pm
三個人一組,每人6 - 8 句介紹自己, 一位是新入職.(希望是有三人的對話)萬分感激)
Groups of 3 students work out the conversation.
You are new employees at A&A Company. You are now attending a tea party for new staff. You do not know each other. Try to introduce yourself to other staff members in the part.
Many Thanks!!!

回答 (3)

2007-07-18 11:20 pm
✔ 最佳答案



自己:Hello, all of you. Im a new employee of A&A Company. My name is XXX. I think this job is suitable for me. Please give me more advices during working.

同事1:Welcome! Welcome to be our new colleague. Im very honored that we can cooperate together in the future.

同事2:Nice to meet you. I can sure that your experience and professional will help us and our company further. Thus, you are very required in this company. I know you are a talent.

自己(作總結):Thank you very much of appreciating me. But dont overrate my ability. I know I have many improvement. If I have any mistakes, please help me correct them immediately. Thanks anyway!
參考: My Knowledge + My Mind + My Experience + My Professional
2007-07-19 12:58 am
(me, new one)

Good afternoon!
I am a new one here. My name is XXX, please call me xxxxx.
I hope to be a helpful one in the office, so please let me know what I should do and notice me if I make wrong doings. I will appreciate that.

Staff A:
Good afternoon!
It's nice to have you here, and I am sure that we will cooperate well in our work.
If you need any infomation or whatever, don't mind to talk to me.

Staff B:
Hi, Good afternoon!
From now on, we shall work happily togather, and have good time togather!
Hope you will enjoy the life here with us.
and of course, we must work well first. :P
2007-07-18 9:39 pm
Able to make introduction
Able to to eexpress good ideas
Able to respond suggestions
Able to give or ask for clarification
Able to guide the group through the discussion

Good Pronunciation
Active Participation
Good Attitude
Good Eye-contact
Good Posture

More effort is needed in pronunciation
Should participate more actively
Should speak up

Ideas & Organization
Vocabulary & Laanguage Patterns
Pronunciation & Delivery
Communicative Strategies
參考: me

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