About where to study to improve my English

2007-07-18 8:14 pm
Firstly,i'm a F.3 promoted to F.4 student.So i don't think i can enter to EnglishTown or Wall Street Institude,right?So anyone can tell me where should i go to learn English?I'm not enough age in many places.

回答 (3)

2007-07-23 9:41 am
✔ 最佳答案
上堂返學考試默書...十幾年都係咁學...係唔係坐低就學得好?. 現在你最需要係"實際英語環境" 即是隨時隨地都可以 聽 講 讀 寫, 學咗都要用得著, 齋上堂, 同以前有怎麼唔同?
我知道 Englistown 可以24小時不停聽 講 讀 寫. 又有不同英語活動可以練吓,講吓 講吓 聽吓 聽吓 就OK啦!! 不過最後都要睇自有無堅持心就真.
2007-07-20 6:39 pm
我讀過個eng course...
2007-07-18 9:18 pm
Try British Council
they have English courses/programmes for Secondary School Students

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