Macquarie Accomodation

2007-07-18 8:13 pm
I will study at the SIBT in October, and I'm now thinking of applying for one of the following Macquarie Accomodations:
Macquarie University Village / Balaclava Apartments / Macquarie Parkland / Herring Road Apartments

Did anyone lived in or know about these accomodations? Can you give me some suggestions on which one is better?

回答 (1)

2007-07-19 7:52 am
✔ 最佳答案
My friends live in those appartments , not me
however i have been there and i know what is going on

Macquarie University Village is super far from uni , like 15 minutes walk , far from supermarkets , bus stops and shopping mall , good for nothing

Balaclava Appartments , balaclava road is about half an hour walk from uni , u got to take bus, it is around au 2 for a bus trip , around 15-20 minutes walk to supermarket , the only good thing is close to bus stops , u can get to anywhere if u are close to bus stop u know , and close to eastwood train station , convinient ( eastwood is one of the biggest town u can get chinese food + restaurants from )

Macquarie Parkland is even further from uni , not to mention the distant from supermarket n shopping mall

Herring Road appartment is the best , close to macquarie center , close to uni n bus stop, but it is one of the oldest among the appartments

among those , Macquarie university village is the newest , around 4 people sharing 1 house

it depends on ur perference to see which one is the best for u
some ppl lik new house , some ppl like to get to supermarket conviniently
some ppl like to go out often and come back late so the bus stop n train station must be close
some ppl like to walk to uni to save money

hope my information helps

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