
2007-07-18 7:31 pm
1) 之前睇過有啲人話如果兔兔前面4隻門牙仔上下唔對稱係有問題既??係唔係呢???
2) 同埋你地通常買佢返黎幾耐去剪指甲??我果隻買返黎時2個半月.....而家有3個月啦....咁須要剪未呢??

回答 (2)

2007-07-18 10:03 pm
✔ 最佳答案
1) bunny teeth don''t match 上下唔對稱 = hard for them to clean up n eat.. if your bunny just a bit to the right side.. n their teeth not too long.. i think should be ok. But if you find out they hard to eat/ no mood to eat n their teeth (either 1 side) too long then u need to bring them to see vet.

2) i got 2 bunnys, normally i cut their nails every 3-4 month (or when i bring them to vet, ask the doctor to chk /cut) you don't really need to cut their nail.. they use their nail to clean, to play etc.. just remeber when u cut their nails.. don't cut too deep,.. cos they'll feel pain
參考: my bunnys
2007-07-20 12:06 am



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