公司收到員工resignation letter既confirmation letter ?

2007-07-18 6:32 pm
應該how to write ?

如果yesterday比信effective date 係咪yesterday ?

回答 (2)

2007-07-18 6:53 pm
✔ 最佳答案
1) 公司收到員工既resignation letter 通常都唔好出confirmation 架喎 ?
只要個員工俾咗信, 當然要係上面寫清楚遞信日期啦. 咁收咗就叫做confirm 架啦.
不過如果你真係要寫confirmation 都得既, 大致上內容如下:


(Re: Resignation )

Mr.Chan, (e.g.)

Being confirmed that your resignation letter was well received on 17th July, 2007.
Your last working day will be on 16th August, 2007. Due to your leaving, the final payment would be calculated after 7days of the last day 22nd August, 2007.

2) 如 17/7 係effective date, 咁佢既 last day 即最後上班日應該係 16/8/07 先啱.

2007-07-18 10:58:19 補充:
唔好意思, misunderstand 咗你個問題. 如果佢噚日俾信, effective date 應該係噚日, 但係要confirm 佢封信上面個date 係咪同佢俾信係同一日, 如果唔係最好當面叫佢改番, 簽番名咁就冇數"坳", 因為effective date 唔同咗 last day 都會唔同.
2007-07-18 6:39 pm
你可以看一看員工的信件上是什麼日期. 如正常來說是計昨天, 如果員工的信日期是今天, 則計今天.

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