Help me pls!!

2007-07-18 3:29 pm
me and my gf have been together 6 year. also my girlfriends sister is my classmate around 6 years too. i dont know why that i alway be with my girlfriends sister when she is unhappy. just like last time she broke up with her boy friend and i didnt know, suddenly she hugged me and cry.
i know i cant do that to my girl friend and i know my gf sister wont fall in love with me. now im still dont know wat to do? should i not see my gf sister any more?

do you think my gf sister thinks that im her brother or she doesnt want to do something to hurt her sister so she keep it into her heart.


but every time i see her, i want to protect her and i want to make her smile. sometime i cant distinguish my feeling that i like her or im acting a big brother for her.

回答 (2)

2007-07-18 8:32 pm
✔ 最佳答案

2007-07-18 5:18 pm
u said that ur gf sister WONT fall in love with u
so wat u afraid of is that u would probably fall in love wif her?
well then u hav 2 think about do u really love ur girlfriend
go find out who is the one u really love
and go 4 it!
cuz it would make thing goes wrong
if u dont make it clear
make urself clear
參考: meeeeee

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