A11 airport bus

2007-07-18 8:20 am
I have to arrived airport at 630pm on FRIDAY night.
Anyone able to tell me how long does it take from Causeway Bay to airport?
Cos I`ll finish my exam at around 5pm in causeway bay.
I dun know whether I can arrive the airport by 630pm.
I afriad I`ll miss the bus.

回答 (3)

2007-07-18 8:30 am
✔ 最佳答案
if u take the bus from central to airport is only around 40 mins, coz all the way is highway. it only need to think about is the road busy or not coz by the time u take the bus is rush hour. is very busy from causeway bay to administy la. right. but if u can catch the bus around 5.30pm. then u may arrive airport around 6.30pm la.
參考: I work at airport la.
2007-07-18 7:03 pm
North Point Ferry Piers to Airport (Ground Transportation Centre)
Routing Remark
The journey time is 63 mins approx.

You can arrive the airport by 630pm
From North Point Ferry Piers Bus Terminus
Day of operation Service hours Headway (mins)
Daily 05:10
05:30 - 06:45 15
06:45 - 22:05 20
22:05 - 22:30 25
22:30 - 00:00 30
2007-07-18 8:26 am
係5點幾呢d放工繁忙時間撘巴士, 好多時都會塞車.....
我建議撘地鐵會穩陣d, 易d預時間......
如果唔想撘機場快線咁貴. 可以撘東涌線去到東涌, 再行過去UA售票處左近既巴士站撘S1入機場.....
參考: 自己經歷

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