which is a good car

2007-07-18 7:22 am
toyota yaris, vw polo, suzuki swift(1.3/1.5), citroen c2(1.4), daihatsu sirion, kia rio, peugeot 107.

which is better? i hate honda jazz and mit. colt! !

thank you! !

回答 (4)

2007-07-18 8:38 am
✔ 最佳答案
你講的車, 各有各好
全部有一個共通點, 就係屬於經濟車 (十三萬以下)

如果以車內用料來講, 我認為polo 最好,
車箱用料及手工比同級的高幾斑, 但馬力細 (得75hp)

以姓能來講, 會以suzuki 的1,5馬力最大
有110 hp, 但車廂好膠.........

peugeot, 107, 夠省油, 不過得1000cc, 真係唔夠力

citroen.....我認為 ma ma
法國車唔係唔好, 不過香港唔通行

toyota yaris, 豐田係名牌, 成部車都好平衡
不過車廂都係好膠........而且揸上手, 感覺ma ma......

其餘的, 我不會想

如你要我選, 我會選 polo
開得呢d車, 以經濟, 代步為原則, 佢地以上都好省油, 馬力都睇, 不過只係其次

雖然polo的馬力不高 不過polo的車廂同佢地比較, 真係高幾斑,有一種好高級的感覺, 你只要一開門就會感覺到
呢個價錢, 有呢一種氣貿, 係以上其他車都欠缺的

而且, 揸上手, 感覺都幾歐洲車, 好實在

其次我會選yaris, 因為樣樣都好平衡
或會suzuki, 因為馬力大一點

polo 我會是首選
參考: 自己
2007-07-19 7:34 pm
Yaris are suitable for the old person in UK>.It cannot work in HK cause it is small..
VW polo got second less power in those car..But it is German...Quite good than other Japan..
Swift is good, if you buy a sport one, but that 80 somethin cc makes you ,,,
Citroen is not work in HK, but it is quit good...
Daihatsu is the car for the 20 soemthin years old cheapskate ..
Kia is cheap, no technology, not for HK, Ugly, No sense, Cheapskate if you got one
Peogeot is not powerful, but French style should be always funky...

If you really want those car in that price, why don't you pay more to affort a Ford Fiesta or even a Focus...
But anyway, Swift and Polo is really good

2007-07-19 11:35:40 補充:
Vikki and Tiff Needel In Fifth Gear are cheapskate
2007-07-19 3:00 am
I think Daihatsu Sirion and Citroen C2 is better, because:

Briten show (Fifth Gear)Choose the Citroen C2 are saver (gasoslin) than the Toyota Prius (Hybird) and Daihatsu Sirion (They test this three car already) , the second is the Daihatsu Sirion, SO:

You can choose CITROEN C2 and DAIHATSU SIRION!!!
參考: Briten show (Fifth Gear)
2007-07-18 8:00 pm
Toyota yaris遲o的肯定超大路,但車架幾好,而且Toyota又係名牌,所以一定有保障.
vw polo個樣又幾靚,又多sharp o既colour揀,係一架唔錯o既車.
suzuki swift比較年輕,改裝配件都幾多,馬力係all car 裏面最勁o既.
citroen c2 1400c.c.,牌費較貴,而且架車壞左,一定要送返原廠整,因此勸你不要買,但個look幾good.
daihatsu sirion就.......架車壞左,可以有原廠保養,幾好la.
kia rio路面上就少見o的,但車身係RV中算大部,因此雪藏牌咪drive it.
peugeot 107四隻word講完,省油無力.

總結我會buyVW and swift(我比較鐘意cool o的既RV)

參考: me

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