Improve Oral English

2007-07-18 7:03 am
I want to improve my oral English and I need to find a native speaker to help me i.e. to have an hour or two hours conversation with me every week through phone or face to face meeting. Where could I find such teachers? Any recommendation?
If you are interested in helping me, please send me an email and tell me about your qualification. I will reply you as soon as possible. Thanks a lot.

回答 (3)

2007-07-19 1:02 am
Specking to a native specker is not the only way to improve your oral english

From my experience, try to watch more English specking TV program such as House, ER, Prisonbreak and watch more foreign movies.

The main point of doing that is not just to try to understand what they are saying but is to learn their native accent, when you listen more and of course, try to say more, then your oral english can be improved.

Listening to english songs helps a lot too.
2007-07-18 8:43 pm
watch english TV/ Movie, especially english news.
You can also find some online clips (english)
I use english subtitle sometimes when i watch english TV ( in case i can't catch the word)

If you want to speak to native speaker, you can try to find a job that will push you to speak english with other co-workers?! I know my friend used to work at an Architecture firm (HK) and she had to speak english with her boss. I am working in the US, and i know my co-workers always have to communicate with Chinese (company in china).

Finding a native speaker in HK is the way to go!
參考: ME
2007-07-18 7:20 am
it's pleased that you have a big heart to improve your english. i am a F.6 student. i really want to improve my english too. my spoken english is not bad, but the reading and listening is the worst of the hold paper. i think that it's nice for us to make friends in chatting in english or maybe you can msn me in english. i always chat in that way with the foreighers so my english can be improved.
msn: [email protected]
feel free to contact me improving english together.^^
good luck for you~

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