AL Econ

2007-07-18 5:30 am
我想問AL Micro 係咪一定要睇張五常的<<經濟解釋>> 3卷呀?? 係咪要熟讀晒呢??
我驚未必領會到當中意思, 想問下一般的textbooks 有冇將佢d 精粹融入其中呢??

回答 (5)

2007-07-20 6:01 pm
✔ 最佳答案
意見:要考得好,需要concept 融會貫通,唔可以專睇一家。我睇晒 Chan & Kwok 和 林本利,做埋十年past paper 已ok。
2007-07-19 3:26 am
最好就睇下,因為幾有用的,睇左d concepts會比較清晰
參考: myself
2007-07-18 10:59 pm
I suggest you find Daniel Yu at現代教育...he can tell your the most clear answer..
2007-07-18 8:00 pm
As I know, 張五常 is the one who affects HKCEE as he decides the syllabus. But for AL, he did not do anything as present, so I don't think you need to read all for exams. However, I think the books do benefit you in enriching your knowledge in economics.
2007-07-18 6:59 am
你可以去搵下張五常徒弟--Daniel Yu @ morden edu
he must know it!

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