以下三句英文句子用怎樣用 relative clauses 改正? 為什麼要這樣改?

2007-07-18 12:54 am
Study in University students are very lucky.

She bought a new dress what looked very good on her.

There were several birds landed on my windowsill.

回答 (2)

2007-07-18 1:26 am
✔ 最佳答案
Relative Clauses 即「關係子句」,是指由關係詞引導的分句。
1. Study in University students are very lucky.
Students, who study in University, are very lucky.
註: 把subject(即重點講緊啲果d人)抽出擺頭,加個who來形容學生,學生做咗d乜,前後加逗點,句尾指出件事啲結論係好幸運。

2. She bought a new dress what looked very good on her.
The new dress, which she bought, looked very good on her.
註: 原理跟上面第一題同,重點講緊條靚裙,所以擺頭,條裙係死物,咪用which囉。

3. There were several birds landed on my windowsill.
There were several birds which landed on my windowsill (窗台).
註: 第三條題目文法有誤,同一句子不能出現兩個動詞were及landed,所以簡單地在句中間加個which來代表d雀仔,句子便可以成功連接起來了。
在英語傳統語法學中,關係詞是一個頗為龐雜的詞類,除了人們一般認識的who, whom, which, whose, when, where, why通常用於「修飾性關係分句」的關係詞外,還有專門用於「名詞性關係分句」的關係詞what, whatever, whenever, whoever, whichever等。而關係分句的類別也有好幾種,既有前述的「修飾性關係分句」和「名詞性關係分句」之分,又有「限制性關係分句」和「非限制性關係分句」之別。
P.S.1 Reference(參考):
http://sun.nctu.edu. tw/Grammer/page/clau se/AdjC.htm
P.S.2 Practice(練習):
http://www.uhv.edu/a c/grammar/pdf/relati veclauses.pdf

2007-07-17 18:13:23 補充:
P.S.3 Supplement (補充) with clear analysis (分析) by PolyU:http://elc.polyu.edu.hk/CILL/eap/relativeclauses.htm
2007-07-18 1:04 am
students studying in the university are very lucky
a very good looking dress was bought by her
several birds landed on my windsill

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