
2007-07-17 11:18 pm
help me......

回答 (3)

2007-07-17 11:55 pm
✔ 最佳答案
和你媽媽說一句 [家醜不出門, 好事傳千里]
之後再說, 我已改過, 請媽你給我機會,, 不要只記著你孩子的不好哦!
2007-07-19 6:50 pm
佢擺明唔鐘意你睇唔起你, 你做乜都多餘, 自己爭氣擺啦小朋友, 唔想人講, 就唔好有野畀人講, 過左去無辦法, 展望將來啦, 你D屋企人, 我都係一句, 你有毛有翼既時候就叫佢地收皮啦, 你出人頭地既時候就可以有幾盡寸到幾盡
2007-07-18 3:38 am
Talk to her and say that, 'past is past, we should look forward in order to have a better life. You shouldn't put comment what I did in my childhood. I have grown up already, I am able to know which is right or wrong, I promise I will not do the same thing again. Please forgive me.' Maybe she will forgive you.

(Of course say this in Chinese)

Hope this can help you.

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