
2007-07-17 9:22 pm
Adverb Clauses of Purpose

e.g. We must study hard [so that / in order that] we can achieve good results in the
public examinations.

Everybody is working hard [in order to / so as to / to] get flying colours in the
public examinations.

We use [so that / in order that] to introduce adver clauses of purpose.

We use [in order to / so asto / to] to form adverb phrases of purpose.

回答 (2)

2007-07-17 10:19 pm
✔ 最佳答案
so that同in order that係一pair
so as to同in order to係一pair
佢地4個嘅意思都一樣係:以至於, 以便
We must study hard [so that / in order that] we can achieve good results in the
public examinations.
Everybody is working hard [in order to / so as to / to] get flying colours in the
public examinations.
每人都努力, 以取得佳績.

so that同in order that後面係跟clause, 姐係一句可獨立嘅句子
用"We must study hard [so that / in order that] we can achieve good results in the
public examinations."黎做例子,
用so that / in order that嘅句子係可以分拆做兩句
"We must study hard."
"We can achieve good results in the public examinations."

so as to同in order to後面係跟phrase, phrase唔可以獨立成句
用"Everybody is working hard [in order to / so as to] get flying colours in the
public examinations."黎做例子,

簡單d黎講, 佢地兩pair用法唔同
姐係前後兩句都有subject同verb嘅, 就用so that / in order that
唔係就用in order to / so as to
參考: 我自己, 唔知幫唔幫倒你, 希望你睇得明la
2007-07-17 10:42 pm
首先你要明白”Adverb clause of purpose”和”Adverb phrase of purpose”怎解。purpose是目的之意,Adverb clause of purpose可譯做:目的副詞子句;而Adverb phrase of purpose是目的副詞片語
We use [so that / in order that] to introduce adver clauses of purpose.
我們用[so that/ in order that]引出目的副詞子句
We use [in order to / so as to / to] to form adverb phrases of purpose.
我們用[in order to/so as to/to]去引出目的副詞片語
所以in order that/ so that/in order to/so as to/to 等都可以譯做:以便、以致、為了
如:he left early in order that he might arrive on time.他早早動身為了按時到達
  she arrived early in order to get a good seat.她到得很早,為了得個好座位
  I left a message so as to be sure of contacting her.我留下了張條子以便與她取得聯繫。
  She worked hard so that everything would be ready by 6 o'clock她拼命幹以便能到6點把一切都準備好
We must study hard [so that / in order that] we can achieve good results in the
public examinations.

Everybody is working hard [in order to / so as to / to] get flying colours in the
public examinations.

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