a mathematics question

2007-07-17 7:45 pm
the result of adding 10 to a number and then multiplying it by 7 is equal to the result of multiplying the number by 12 and adding 2 to it. Find the number.
Plz help me to solve the equation !!

回答 (3)

2007-07-17 7:56 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Let N be the number

(N + 10)(7) = 12N + 2
7N + 70 = 12N + 2
5N = 68
N = 68 / 5 = 13.6
2007-07-17 9:15 pm
Let x be the number,

7(x+10) = 12x+2
7x+70 = 12x+2
5x = 68
x = 13.6

Therefore, the number is 13.6
2007-07-17 7:56 pm
(A + 10) x 7 = (A x 12) +2
7A + 70 = 12A + 2
70-2 = 12A-7A
68 = 5A
A = 13.6

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