回答 (2)
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倒掛:Bicycle Kick
假動作: Deceptive movement
插水: Dive
彎波: banana kick
推左走右/推右走左:Cow Dribble
告魯夫轉身:Cruijff Turn
海豹盤球(近幾年出現嘅新招):Seal Dribble
倒掛 - overhead kick
(e.g. He scored with an overhead kick/ 佢倒掛射入)
假動作 - dummy
(e.g. He sold the defender a dummy/ 佢用假動作呃過後衛)
插水 - dive
(e.g. He's taking a dive in the penalty box/ 佢o係禁區內插水)
內彎波 - bend/curl the ball with inside of the foot(腳內檔, 即內彎)
(e.g. He bent/curled/passed/shot the ball with inside of the foot/ 佢腳內檔傳/射波)
外彎波 - bend/curl the ball with outside of the foot(腳外檔, 即外彎)
(e.g. He bent/curled/passed/shot the ball with inside of the foot/ 佢腳內檔傳/射波)
2007-07-17 13:12:28 補充:
打錯字外彎波 - bend/curl the ball with outside of the foot(腳外檔, 即外彎)(e.g. He bent/curled/passed/shot the ball with inside of the foot/ 佢腳外檔傳/射波)
2007-07-17 13:13:55 補充:
外彎波 - bend/curl the ball with outside of the foot(腳外檔, 即外彎)(e.g. He bent/curled/passed/shot the ball with outside of the foot/ 佢腳外檔傳/射波)amendment 2
參考: 自己
收錄日期: 2021-04-13 13:17:51
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