
2007-07-17 5:22 am

1) 읹으십시오
2) 읹으십니다
3) 읹습니다
4) 읹으세요

有咩分別?? 邊個Form應該同邊d人講??

回答 (2)

2007-07-18 6:08 pm
✔ 最佳答案
읹으십시오同읹으십니다, 읹습니다, 읹으세요有少少分別.

先講읹으십니다, 읹습니다, 읹으세요. 最高的敬語是읹으십니다,其次是읹습니다, 再其次是읹으세요.其實再下一層還有一個敬語是앉아요.一般而言,平常與別人談話,앉아요都已經可以(特別是如果我們去韓國旅行,用這種形式對任何韓國人,不論年齡或身份,對方都會覺得舒服),如果想用高些層次,向長輩或身份地位比自己高的人,則可以用上述其他較高層次的敬語.

2007-07-18 12:47 am
This is formal speech level (격식체) in "honorifics and humilifics".

The Formal Speech level is considered to be more ceremonial, and is characterized as 'direct' and objective'. Thus, it is ideally suited to usage in formal situations, or when the relationship between speaker and listener is either not particularly close, or is awkward or reserved.

The Formal-High form (존대형) expresses simultaneously respect by the speaker for the listener and modesty and reserve on the part of the speaker vis-a-vis the listener. Thus,
it is often used in solemn and serious conversation on formal occasions in order for the speaker to show respect and deference to the listener. This form can also be used, regardless of the relative social status or mutual relationship of speaker and listener, in situations where speaker and listener meet for the first time, or are not well acquainted.

앤디가 학교에 갑니다.
Andy is going to school.
누나가 밥을 먹습니다.
My sister is eating.
시장엔 야채이 많습니까?
Are there many vegetables in the market?
저 분이 이 회사 사장이십니까?
Is that person over there the president of this company?
천천히 말씀하십시오.
Please speak slowly.
參考: From Korean grammer book

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