WIFI 上銀行買賣膘票是否安全

2007-07-17 12:17 am
WIFI 上銀行買賣膘票是否安全




回答 (3)

2007-07-19 10:43 pm
✔ 最佳答案
It should be safe if and only if:

1) you really connected to PCCW hot-spot rather than other access points near you with stronger radio signal strength. SSID is not so realiable at all.

2) MUST enable security protocol (e.g. WEP, WAP, etc) to ensure the data transmission between your mobile device and PCCW access point.

3) check there is a key icon at lower status bar while the information of security Certificate is valid for that bank. (to ensure that your mobile device is actuallly connected to bank's server)

4) Encryption of transmiitted end-to-end data is a must by default.

Otherwise, DO NOT use the wireless connection for stock trading (or other important) transactions.
2007-07-17 12:25 am
自己也用wifi 上綱買賣,
其實只要路由器設定密碼用WEP 之類的保安方法己ok

2007-07-16 20:22:24 補充:
哦, 感就小心要小心D, 裝返D防毒軟件同防火牆, 還要確認係真正係PCCW綱絡供應商, 因為報紙之前話黑客可用軟件當自己係綱絡供應商叫或等用家輪入重要資料. 所以最好用返普通寬頻上綱。
參考: 自己
2007-07-17 12:21 am
it is very good

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