
2007-07-16 10:48 pm
please return the whitw copy of the deposit slip to us a proof of pay-in slip will be provided by us. please write your name,classand student NO .at the back of the crossed cheque or at the front side of the deposit slip, together wite this entire order form,please give them to school for collection.for enquiry,please contact our outside catering dept
plc co. chop
parent's tel.No
cheque no:

回答 (1)

2007-07-16 10:57 pm
✔ 最佳答案
請退回存款單到我們支付在滑動證明將由我們提供喜歡寫您的名字, 學生的 拷貝沒有 劃線支票的後面或在存款單, 一起 的前方這個整個定貨單, 請給他們為詢問的學校, 請與我們的外部承辦酒席部門父母的鈔票沒有聯繫: 銀行:
參考: me

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