Biotherm 好/Clinique好, 混合性偏油皮膚?????

2007-07-16 9:04 pm
混合性偏油皮膚, 夏天好易出油, 常常滿面油光, 請問我應該用下面邊隻好?????

1) Biotherm : Pure Spa Concentrate Skin Perfector + Melting Moisturizing Matifying Fluid

2) Clinique : Dramatically Different Moisturizing Lotion / Gel + Moisture Surge Extra (Light) + City Block Sheer SPF 25 (oil free)

回答 (6)

2007-07-16 9:14 pm
✔ 最佳答案
HI~ 有否想過在選擇護膚品前可以先試用?
2007-07-31 9:31 pm
2007-07-21 2:49 pm
yea, i agree with the above answerer !!! Clinique products is quite good. But if you want to use dramatically different lotion, I suggest you to use the whole 3 steps (cleaning + clarifying lotion). I think using 3 of them together is better. Especially after using clarifying lotion, my skin absorb DDML lotion very fast, not "lup at all. But i tried to use DDML lotion alone, it's very "lup. You can think about it la. Also, I think Sofina UV cut milk is excellent too !! It's way better than City Block.
2007-07-20 7:29 pm
but u should use Dramatically Different Moisturizing Gel instead of Dramatically Different Moisturizing Lotion.

Moisture Surge Extra (Light) may be too heavy for u to use it during daytime.i think u should use it at night.

just use Dramatically Different Moisturizing Gel actually i think yr face will have enough moisturize.

uv protect is very important~but i think city block is not good~i am now using sofina very very uv cut milk~excellent!!

my skin type is same as u~combination to oily~after using biotherm~i have got pimple on my face T^T~

hope this can help u~^^
2007-07-18 1:20 am
其實 ~ 成日易出油 係因為你皮膚底層乾* 皮膚出油係冇錯既 =)* 皮脂腺只係想保護你既皮膚 =)*

你咁易出油 証明左一樣野 你皮膚底層真係比較乾下
第一 呢類皮膚唔應該不停去洗面因為你愈洗走你既個層油 皮脂腺會愈分泌愈多既油既 佢只係為左保濕你皮膚而出油既

其實可以選擇一D有控制同保濕作用既爽膚水 帶住係身 倒落化妝棉 去抹

另外你想真正地改善你既皮膚問題 一定要做好日常既護膚程序作 & 保濕 =]*

佢每隻產品都係百零 ~ 兩百零 ~ 你想唔想學多D ? =)*

絕對唔花冤枉錢又work既護膚新體驗 你重等?!!!!!

想知道自己的皮膚係油性? 乾性? 混合性? 定係...*
想搵隻岩自己用既護膚品? 想要天然不傷皮膚的護膚品?
想白想滑? 想改善粉刺? 黑頭? 皮膚缺水? 敏感? 火山坑?
斑斑? 暗瘡? 油脂粒? T字位油? 色斑? 毛孔粗大?....* 我地都幫到你!!

我係教人護膚嫁 你有興趣可以搵我~* 我叫湯湯 61748519
MSN: [email protected]
其實想皮膚好, 首先要了解自己皮膚既情況* 再來係選擇護膚品*

我地依家做緊 免費護膚試用(請預約) 與其你搵來搵去 不如來親身體驗一下*

地點 : 尖沙咀
對象 : 男女老幼均可

有興趣既快D call我登記喇 !
2007-07-17 7:48 am
你可否多講您皮膚的情況? 我是教人用一含天然成份品牌自己在家護理皮膚的,如您有需要,可e-mail 給我。 [email protected]

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