Intel core 2 CPU

2007-07-16 8:26 pm
1.What is Intel Core 2 CPU ?
2.Is that means 2 CPU ?
3.I bought a computer is 1862Mhz Intel core CPU ?
4.Is that means my computer have 3724Mhz CPU ?
5.but why when I check my computer it say that I have just have 1862Mhz CPU ?
6.Do I need to setup something ?

回答 (2)

2007-07-16 10:50 pm
✔ 最佳答案
1.Intel Core 2 CPU咪即係英特爾ge雙核心cpu囉......

3.咁咪即係雙核ge cpu囉
2007-07-26 4:22 am
1.What is Intel Core 2 CPU ? It is the 2nd version of Intel Dual core CPU, using much lower frequency,with lower TDP, dynamic shared cache...
2.Is that means 2 CPU ?
Core2 is the CPU series YES
3.I bought a computer is 1862Mhz Intel core CPU ?YES NO
4.Is that means my computer have 3724Mhz CPU ?NO 5.but why when I check my computer it say that I have just have 1862Mhz CPU ? you can roughly say you have two 1.86GHz CPUs(cores) in your computer

6.Do I need to setup something ?NO use in normal use except you want to OverClock(OC) you CPU. Core2Duo series CPU is very good at OverClocking , you may OC it to near 3GHz by just changing the parameters in your BIOS!!
I'm using a E2140 @2.8GHz (OC from 1.6GHz)

2007-07-25 20:30:40 補充:
樓上'抄'的那段文章是否過時? 2005年初?P.S. Intel PentiumD, Core2Duo 和Pentium DualCore CPUs 及 AMD的雙核心Opteron和Athlon微處理器 已上市多時 並已成位主流!!。最新的CPU都將採用65/45奈米製程製造

2007-07-25 20:32:13 補充:
P.S. Intel PentiumD 已算是fade-out產品了
參考: personal experience

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