The transfer rate of HK dollars to Thai Baht (HKD - THB)

2007-07-16 7:38 pm
i would like to know whether i should change baht in hk or bangkok?
which rate is better ?
where has the best rate to change for baht?

回答 (2)

2007-07-16 7:48 pm
✔ 最佳答案
In thailand... if u just need some baht first u can change in airpot,
then u can spend the money til u spend all...... then change into the shop in town (ex-change shop)

Everyday the rate is different,better change everyday!!!

Hong Kong the rate is lower than Thailand

Hope can help u
2007-07-17 11:10 pm
should be $HK 1 : THB 5

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