
2007-07-16 7:31 pm
我想應徵 地產經紀
我英文唔差,只係文法有d 錯



Morning! I is come to see job ga !
I is middle 5 graduated ! This year is 25 year!
I see to this job very sincerity!
I believe i do ok!
Because I always play board game ( BIG RICH MAN)!
so see to land-product also very known
plx employ me la , i sure very give heart ga!
ok? i tomorrow is can open job la

回答 (7)

2007-07-17 6:29 am
✔ 最佳答案

如果你用呢段野去見工, 僱主一定唔會請你。老實講,你段翻譯暴露了你很多缺點﹐ 首先﹐ 英文唔惦! 第二﹐ 思想唔成熟﹐玩開大富翁又真麼能令你對地產熟悉呢﹖ 簡直是笑話,看看我以下的翻譯﹐ 希望幫到你。

Good Morning Sir,
Thank you for granting me an interview opportunity. (謝謝貴公司給予我一個面談機會)

My name is XXX. I am 25 year's old. I graduated from (name of your secondary school) and obtained a HKCEE full certificate (說明你畢業學校的名稱﹐ 和你的學歷 (會考合格)﹐一舉兩得)

I am extremely interested in the position (職位名稱﹐ 地產經紀, i.e. real estate agent) offered by XXX Company (為了表示你的誠意﹐ 最好重復你的僱主名稱﹐ XXX 地產公司).

I believe that I am an ideal candidate for this position. I am a fast learner, hardworking, have a strong determination to succeed. Please kindly consider me for this position. (我相信我是此職位理想的人選。 我學習快速﹐ 勤奮﹐ 有上進心。我希望貴公司可以考慮我的申請)

For my availability, I can start tomorrow. (至於上班日期﹐ 我明天可以開始。)

Thank you.

"因為我平時都有玩開大富翁,所以對地產都好熟悉" - 呢段我唔會幫你翻譯﹐因為不成理由

順帶一提,在見工時﹐儘量刪去廣東話助詞如架﹐ 啦﹐囉﹐ 呢﹐ 這些助詞只會暴露你對自己無信心﹐令僱主反感。

2007-07-16 22:34:50 補充:
仲有﹐ 樓上那班所謂幫你的老友﹐ 全部存心靠害﹐只有我是真正幫你的﹐ 祝你見工順利。
參考: 自己﹐ 我在美國大學畢業﹐ 曾經負責請人
2007-07-17 10:09 am
Early god !!!! I come see job ga !
I yes center five pen-leaves,
Golden year two ten five,
I towards this job good have honest mean,
I feeling I do it come,
Becor I ordinary have play big rich old man,
So to land product good known
Employ me la!
I one sure good give heart gay!
I heard day then come duck job la!
Early god!!!! Employ me la!
2007-07-17 4:06 am
修改左d,e+好d la

Good morning! I aming see job marry
I am middle 5 pencil leaf, toyear is 25
I love your mother (<-----打温情牌,實work!)
I think I can do it
because I always play your big trousers hole
so I know land product very well-done
do my boss la ! I will give you a lot of heart
I tommorrow can open job la!
2007-07-16 7:39 pm
Morning! I is come to see job ga !
I is middle 5 graduated ! This year is 25 year!
I see to this job very sincerity!
I believe i do ok!
Because I always play board game ( BIG RICH MAN)!
so see to land-product also very known
plx employ me la , i sure very give heart ga!
ok? i tomorrow is can open job la

2007-07-16 7:39 pm

唔只 Grammar 錯, 用字錯,
2007-07-16 7:38 pm
Morning sir! I came here for the interview today.
I am a F.5 graduate and i am now 25 years old.
I am very sincere for this job and I believe i am capable for this position.
Since I play Monopoly all the time, so i am kind of familiar with the real estate business.
If i can take this position, I believe i can handle it.
and i am available as soon as tomorrow.

2007-07-16 11:41:17 補充:
補充: 你的英文真的不太好﹐不止是文法上的錯﹐還有﹐你過份地把中文直譯成英文。
2007-07-16 7:35 pm
Morning, I to see the work marrying
I am to win 5 graduation, 25 years old this year
I to the work has a sincerity so much
I feel oneself makes out Li
Because I all have already played to open big rich man at ordinary tiems
So to real estate all acquaint with
Ask me!I certainly good in order to scheming
I listen to the day return work!

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