2007-07-16 8:21 am
On March 2003, the Iraq War was broken out. The number of tourists traveling to the Middle East fell drastically. At the same time, the oil price raised a lot. What is the diagrams about the air services to and from the Middle East?

The price will reduce,
how's the supply curve $ demand curve?

shift to left/right?

please explain the answer,thank you very much!

回答 (3)

2007-07-17 5:40 am
✔ 最佳答案
Iraq War was broken out,so demand to Middle East decreases.The demand curve shift to the left.
The oil price raised a lot,so supply for the air services decrease.The supply curve shift to the left.

Demand decrease,price decrease.
Supply decrease,price increase.
Now,the price will reduce which means demand decrease more than supply.
2007-07-16 9:48 pm
1) airline service to and from Middle east
demand curve shift left---- since the number of tourists decrease.
supply curve shift left---- oil price increase so does cost of airline industry.

outcome: if the magnitude of both effects are same. Then the price of the airline service unchange and the output of airline service in middle east decrease.

wish i'm correct
參考: myself
2007-07-16 8:24 am
P reduce--> SUPPLY decrease

supply curve shift to left
參考: 自己

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