usa community college esl course.

2007-07-16 6:22 am
1. 當入左cc之後,有個eng test. 分下你lever.之後睇下洗唔洗讀esl.我想問 esl可唔可以一邊讀asso.一邊讀esl??
2. 聽講esl 最快讀3年? 如果唔可以同時讀asso 同esl .我咪要讀成5年@@????
3. esl 既 形式 同 分成幾多等級?
4. 果個eng test 形式又點?有oral同listening考的嗎?
唔該曬 ..thx

回答 (1)

2007-07-16 6:31 am
✔ 最佳答案
first i want to clear one thing, what do you mean by asso.? do you mean the normal courses? if it is, the answer is no for your question one, cuz ESL is a program for students that don't speak english as theri first language, so the program has it own subjects.
and it's not nesscery to study for 3yrs for the ESL, it depends on your exam, if your english has passed the certain level, you will be examed from it.
and the english test depends on the school, mostly are just writing, but maybe some other school has listening, so you have to check with the school.
thats all i can answer from my knowledge, hope that can help you,
good luck

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