should, ought and had better

2007-07-16 5:59 am
When expressing the idea of advisability, what are the differences in connotation among should, ought to and had better? In what situations would we use one and not the others?

回答 (2)

2007-07-16 11:01 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Advisability (可勸性):

must (必須) > have to (需要) > ought to / should (應該) > had better (最好...)

Explanation (解釋):

1. MUST: It is absolutely necessary to do something.
2. HAVE TO: It is necessary to do something.
3. OUGHT TO / SHOULD: It is good to do something.
4. HAD BETTER: It is better to do something.

Example (例子):

1. You must finish your homework before sleep.

2. You have to finish your homework before ten.

3. You ought to / should finish your homework before playing computer games.

4. You had better finish your homework after school immediately.

Remarks (備註):
For native English speakers, they often use the word "should" to express something is good to do in oral English. In fact, the phrase "ought to" has the same meaning as the word should , however, it is not commonly used in oral English. The phrase "ought to" is mainly used in formal written English.
參考: myself
2007-07-16 6:05 am
must > had to > ought to = should
參考: me

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