東京邊區比較多agnes 手袋銀包及手錶

2007-07-16 5:42 am
我想問agnes 在日本買係唔係一定要七月或一月買先至好平, 如果其他月份會唔會有特價,
另外知唔知日本除了七月及一月減價之外, 仲有無其他月份減價, 東京邊區比較多agnes
鋪頭及Blue label , porter 等等, 因為我主要買agnes手袋銀包及手錶, 我最主要係去shopping, 唔該晒答覆的人

回答 (2)

2007-07-16 8:07 am
✔ 最佳答案
新宿依勢丹內已有agnea b & blue label counter

tokyo hands 有porter, 但Headporter 則在原宿,原宿亦有一間三層高的agnes b專門店

平時在日本買agnes b 已好平,不用等七月或一月大減價
2007-07-20 8:29 am
If you want to buy Agnes B at a lower price, I suggest you go to Sano outlet. It sells off season goods but the price is very very low. You can get a handbag at 10000 yen ($640) and it's selling at $1580 in Hong Kong. It's off season in Japan but it's new arrival goods in Hong Kong. You do not need to wait for Jan and July because there's no sale for Agnes B all year round.

Sano outlet is quite far away from Tokyo. You can go there by bus. Go to Shinjuku station and find the West Exit. Cross the bridge and you will see Starbucks. The Bus Terminal/ Station is opposite to Starbucks. Buy a bus ticket at 1300 yen for single journey. The best time is to arrive there before 9:30 am and get on the 9:30 bus. It takes 1 hour 30 minutes and you will arrive at 11:00 am. Enjoy your shopping.
參考: outlet website

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